Transitioning from 3 Naps to 2 Naps

Transitioning from 3 Naps to 2 Naps Transitioning from 3 naps to 2 typically happens naturally between 7 and 9 months. If you are unsure what to look out for, here are some signs your baby may be ready: Age: Is your baby 7-9 months old? Daytime Sleep: Is your baby getting approx 3.5 hours…

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False Starts

False Starts Does your baby wake shortly (30-40 minutes) after falling asleep at bedtime? This is known as a “False Start”. It affected one of my twins at around 7 months old – she would wake 30 minutes after going to sleep. We actually found it was down to under-tiredness and gradually began to increase…

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Moving to One Nap

Moving to One Nap Typically, children are ready to transition from two naps to one between 15-18 months. Don’t rush into this – if your child drops their nap too early, it may impact night time sleep and they may experience frequent night waking. Wait until you see a pattern emerge for over a week…

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Bedtime Stories

Bedtime Stories I like to recommend a bedtime story as part of a bedtime routine – it is never too early or late to start reading to your little ones. Here are some of the benefits of bedtime stories: Calms and relaxes before bed: Books are a quick and easy way to relax your baby/child…

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Early Rising

Early Rising (before 6am) Is your little one ready to start the day before 6am? As the night goes on, our sleep pressure (tiredness) and melatonin (sleep hormone) levels drop and we are in a much lighter sleep than at the beginning of the night. Darkness: Is your child’s room dark enough? I am getting…

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Ten Twin Tips

sleep fairy guidance

Ten Twin Tips: As a twin Mum, here are my top tips when it comes to twins and sleep: 1. Start where you want to end up: If you plan to have your twins share a room in the long term, let them become accustomed to each other and each other’s sounds at an early…

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5 Reasons Your Child Woke Last Night

5 Reasons Your Baby Woke Last Night: 1. Too late of a bedtime:An age-appropriate bedtime is key when it comes to having your child sleep through the night. When a child is overtired, their body responds by secreting cortisol which acts like a mild form of adrenaline, making it difficult for them to fall asleep.…

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Night Feeds – Hunger or Habit?

Night Feeds – Hunger or Habit? Often when parents come to me their babies are still feeding through the night and they are not sure if their baby is hungry or if it is more of a habit. Here are some signs to look out for that you may be able to drop an overnight…

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The Bedtime Routine

gentle sleep coaching philosophy

The Bedtime Routine: A consistent bedtime routine is so important for your baby or child, to help them to unwind and become relaxed and ready for sleep. Consistency is key when it comes to all things sleep, and the bedtime routine is no different. Introducing a calm bedtime routine is key if your child finds…

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